Monthly Coaching Industry News: October 2021

We look at flow, fear, freedom and meaning in articles published in the coaching and wellbeing space in October.

October 28, 2021

Katherine Burchhardt

October has been all about embracing living on the east coast. It’s enchanting how easily we can be with our family and friends living back on this coast. We attended a cousin’s wedding in Lexington, Kentucky, and a childhood neighbor’s wedding on Cape Cod. We roadtripped to Asheville, NC for a short overnight to experience fall in this beautiful mountain town. And importantly, we visited family in Atlanta, Georgia to both celebrate an aunt’s birthday and visit our cousin’s new store!

My cousin Greg and his wife Andrea just purchased a baby boutique in Atlanta and are taking their marketing consultant career experience to the baby world in owning this local business. I’m so proud and excited! Chris and I visited them this month and Chris even gift-wrapped a few items for a customer while there (fun fact about my husband, he is an excellent gift-wrapper, I think it’s his engineering brain). If you are in Atlanta check out Wee Bee Baby Boutique, and if you are elsewhere, check out their website and purchase gifts for your friends babies online. So proud of them and the decision to create community locally and starting this new adventure.

And lastly, this month has been exciting professionally. I’ve got a few exciting projects I’m cookin’. I’m partnering with a coach colleague on a neat creative project, I’ll share more about in the coming months. And, Chris and I launched a major new feature for the beta users in our startup.

So with that, let’s talk about articles in the wellbeing space published this month!

Flow the Secret to Happiness

The positive psychology community is celebrating the life of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi who passed away this week. Mihaly led the research in “flow”, a state of heightened focus and immersion in activities. I was fortunate to see him speak in Budapest in 2018 at the European Conference on Positive Psychology. Here is one of his famous TedTalks I highly recommend you check out if you are new to his work.

Watch this TedTalk here.

Between Fear and the Need to Feel Alive

A beautiful short essay on the balance of fear and fully living. I highly recommend.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

The Real Meaning of Freedom at Work

This article brilliantly discusses themes that have been coming up with my clients, ever increasingly this year.

Read the full article in the WSJ here.

The Meaning of Life Is Surprisingly Simple

This article does a great job introducing the concept of meaning and making it very approachable. It breaks down areas like “presence” of meaning, and “search” for meaning, and their correlation to wellbeing. And introduces the three dimensions psychologists Frank Martela and Michael F. Steger (one of my favorite researchers!) defined in The Journal of Positive Psychology in 2016: coherence, purpose and significance.

Read the full article in The Atlantic here.

Thanksgiving, Already?

My mom sent me this and suggested I share it with my clients, thanks Mom! It’s a great reminder as we head into Thanksgiving.

Read the full article in the NY Times here.

How can baking improve wellbeing?

A sweet read on the role of baking in wellbeing. I’m certainly starting to think about fall recipes as the temperatures cool outside, and this little article made me more excited to do so. Cozy time in the kitchen, I’m in.

Read the full article in the Happiful here.

Have a great month, and enjoy the hope that springs brings. You can read previous months’ Coaching Industry News Roundup here.