Monthly Coaching Industry News: March 2022

A round up of articles in wellbeing published in March.

April 1, 2022

Katherine Burchhardt

Photo by Kelsey Schisler on Unsplash

Spring is here! I’ve really been noticing that the days are longer and it is such a joy. We are hopefully (fingers crossed) almost done with the intensity of the start of pollen season, and have cleaned off our porches from the layer of yellow dust. This month we had a parade of family visiting and it was the best excuse to more fully unpack our guest rooms. Since we moved into this house in January, we’ve stored the last few boxes in the guest rooms and have been slowly going through them. Nothing focuses the mind like a deadline and it feels so nice to have that farther along.

Here are some articles I’ve been reading this month in the wellbeing space. Take a look and see what’s compelling to you. And if you’re a fellow coach, perhaps consider sharing some of these articles with your clients too.

What Is Sympathetic Joy and How Can You Feel More of It?

This is a delightful article on sympathetic joy, the joy we feel when something good happens to someone else. It shares perspectives on this topic as well as ways you might cultivate more of it. I’ve heard this concept referenced recently in terms of friendships – that when something good happens to a good friend, you might celebrate as if it happened to you.

Read the full article in Greater Good Magazine here.

With Endings, the Power of Intention Matters

As coaches we often talk about the importance of completion, ending a chapter or relationship intentionally. Coactive, one of the top coach training schools, put out this article walking through the importance of intentional endings, with some tips of how to approach them.

Read the full article on the Coactive Blog here.

Amid War and Disease, World Happiness Report Shows Bright Spot

Check out the 10th anniversary World Happiness Report.

Read the full article here.

Jealousy Doesn’t Have to Ruin a Friendship

We often joke around about FOMO (fear of missing out) but jealousy in friendships is a real thing. Whereas in romantic relationships we might feel empowered to communicate our needs or wants, it can be trickier in friendships. This article poses some good food for thought.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

The ‘coasting’ workers who’ve checked out of their jobs

You’ve likely heard of engagement, languishing and burnout, but have you considered coasting at work? With many employees still working remotely, coasting in a way has gotten easier, and this article poses the question: is that a bad thing?

Read the full article in the BBC Worklife here.

What pets can teach us about mindfulness

A sweet reflection of the power of being in the present moment with our pets. Our puppy, Rosie the golden retriever, doesn’t like when we are on our phones and will nudge our hands to put the phone down when we’re petting her. She’s a big fan of this article.

Read the full article on Mashable here.

The pandemic’s psychological scars

This article in PennToday highlights some of the research being done on the mental health aspects of the pandemic.

Read the full article in PennToday here.

Have a great month, and enjoy the hope that springs brings. You can read previous months’ Coaching Industry News Roundup here.