Monthly Coaching Industry News: June 2022

As we kick off June, here are some articles in the well-being space I’ve been reading.

June 1, 2022

Katherine Burchhardt

This month kicked off with my sister’s wedding! It was incredible. The whole weekend was absolutely magical and there was so much love! I am also relieved because I was nervous for my Matron of Honor toast at the reception, and it went great and there were lots of laughs and tears so PHEW. It was such an honor to be a part of the whole thing.

Here are some articles I’ve been reading this month in the wellbeing space. Take a look and see what’s compelling to you. And if you’re a fellow coach, perhaps consider sharing some of these articles with your clients too.

Welcome Back to the Office. Isn’t This Fun?

Many of my clients particularly in the tech industry are facing the big R.T.O. (return to office) topic. This article talks about the cringe that is forced fun at work, mixed with the very real challenge of how do you transition back to an “in-person” work culture.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

Can Being Kind to Yourself Help Alleviate Boredom?

Interesting read sharing the results of three recent studies, indicating that people who have more self-compassion are less bored.

Read the full article in Greater Good Magazine here.

BeReal Is the Right Kind of Boring

A new-ish social app to be aware of! While I won’t be creating an account anytime soon, the premise is compelling and I’m curious to keep an eye on where it goes.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

How Your Life Is Shaped by the Emotions You Want to Feel

I enjoyed this thought-provoking read. It compares cultures and our desired range of emotions, and how our emotion expectations might affect our wellbeing.

Read the full article in Greater Good Magazine here.

How Many Friends Do You Really Need?

I loved this prompt and appreciated the studies the author links to throughout the piece. Do you know how many friends you need? Or what type of friend you are missing right now and perhaps auditioning people for?

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

How our brains work when we love a book or audiobook

A delightful read on our connection to books, and in particular to the characters we resonate with. It discusses the emotion around completing a book, and perhaps the sadness in “breaking up” with the characters.

Read the full article on the BBC here.

Have a great month, and enjoy the hope that springs brings. You can read previous months’ Coaching Industry News Roundup here.