Monthly Coaching Industry News: February 2022

A round up of articles in wellbeing published in February.

February 28, 2022

Katherine Burchhardt

I feel this myself, and I’ve heard it all week from clients – it is hard to concentrate with the war that is breaking out in Ukraine, the emotions around what Ukrainians are going through is unfathomable. Be kind to yourself and take the space you need.

I’ve noticed among my clients, and discussed with fellow coach colleagues and therapist friends, that our clients are having a particularly rough January and February. I’ve also noticed this among my friends. If you are exhausted and had a noticeably rougher past few months, you are not alone. Please me kind to yourself as we head into March, and know that the first day of spring is right around the corner.

Your Body Knows You’re Burned Out

A fairly short NY Times read introducing some of the physical symptoms you might be experiencing if you are feeling burnt out.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

How AI-driven nudges can transform an operation’s performance

I’m always interested in ways the coaching industry is evolving, and one frontier is definitely the use of tech in coaching. McKinsey shares research on a study on the use of “nudges” in the workplace.

Read the full article on McKinsey’s Blog here.

Yale’s Happiness Professor Says Anxiety Is Destroying Her Students

I’m sure many of you have either taken or heard Yale cognitive scientist Laurie Santos’s course, Psychology and the Good Life. This is an insightful read on her perspective of the anxiety she’s noticing in her students, and her own experience with burnout.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

The Many Ways We Helped Each Other During COVID

Insights from a study on what altruism looked like in the pandemic, and what that could mean looking ahead.

Read the full article in Greater Good Magazine here.

Are workers really quitting over company values?

An interesting read on company ethics and employee alignment. This has been a rising priority among my clients in the past few years – both in job seeking clients, and clients debating leaving a position because of lack of company priority of their supposed values.

Read the full article from the BBC Worklife here.

Is Confidence the Secret to Success? Not Exactly

“Confidence Culture” by Shani Orgad and Rosalind Gill was published this month by Duke University Press. It’s a feminist cultural critique that confronts the notion that the challenges women face can be chalked up to self-esteem rather than social structures.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

Is Following Your Passion Only for the Privileged?

In the coaching world the phrase “follow your passion” is everywhere. It’s like if you just find and then follow your passion, that’s the road you’re meant to head down. It’s not hard to hear the privilege in that. Erin A. Cech’s new book “The Trouble with Passion” discusses the phenomenon and critiques the merits of the passion principle.

Read the full article in Greater Good Magazine here.

Why Success Can Feel So Bitter

Read this! An important, approachable read on goal attainment. The themes in this article are things we prioritize in coaching work – why is the thing you want important, who will you be, what’s the cost, what do you want to experience of pursuing it to be like, etc. Your life is happening along the way, and you get to check-in throughout.

Read the full article in the Atlantic here.

Need a Life Coach? This 5-Year-Old Can Help.

Charming article on wellbeing take-aways from a son to his mom. Delightful reminders of how simple some of this can be.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

Have a great month, and enjoy the hope that springs brings. You can read previous months’ Coaching Industry News Roundup here.