Monthly Coaching Industry News: April 2022

A round up of articles in wellbeing published in April.

April 28, 2022

Katherine Burchhardt

I’m posting this early this month because we are getting ready to leave town to drive up to Baltimore for my sister’s wedding! I am so excited. I’m deep in the thick of wedding planning support with some of the logistics and details for the big weekend. I feel like my car is going to be like Santa’s Sleigh driving up the coast to the wedding – full of presents from the bridal shower and sweet details I’ve made.

We Have a Creativity Problem

Interesting read on how we limit our views of creativity, despite outwardly praising it.

Read the full article in the New York Times here.

The Mental Health Consequences of Staring at Yourself on Zoom All Day

A quick read on the impact of staring at your physical appearance on Zoom all day. And a case for turning off your self-view in Zoom meetings! (This is a small part of why I hold my sessions on the phone instead of through video calls.)

Read the full article in Greater Good Magazine here.

In the bathroom at a party edits started as a meme. Now they’re beloved by internet wallflowers.

A fun post about “you’re in the bathroom at a party” playlists. The nostalgia in this concept makes me smile.

Read the full article on Mashable here.

‘Bridgerton’ star Jonathan Bailey has voiced a dreamy bedtime story for Calm

Hey, listening the viscount read a bedtime story is definitely worthy of inclusion in this month’s wellbeing article roundup.

Read the full article on Mashable here.

Spiritual hustlers are all over social media. Don’t let them scam you.

Sigh. Being in the wellbeing industry, I come across the full range of wellbeing adjacent material out there.

Read the full article on Mashable here.

Elevating the ICF Credential Process

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) has released an update on their credentialing process. If you’re a professional coach looking to apply for your ACC, PCC, or MCC credential, or if you’re a Mentor Coach who supports coaches on this application process, check out this announcement.

Read “Elevating the ICF Credential Process” in Greater Good Magazine here.

Read “CTI Welcomes Evolution in ICF Accreditation” on the Coactive Blog here.

Have a great month, and enjoy the hope that springs brings. You can read previous months’ Coaching Industry News Roundup here.