IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology

The International Positive Psychology Association is hosting in Vancouver this summer, bringing the latest innovations from experts in positive psychology and wellbeing.

March 23, 2023

Katherine Burchhardt

The 8th IPPA World Congress on Positive Psychology is taking place this summer in Vancouver, Canada from July 20-23, 2023. I’m so excited to go and be a part! Organizers expect more than 1,600 people from over 50 countries, with attendees representing professors, researchers, clinicians, practitioners, business leaders, coaches, teachers and students.

The speakers list is incredibly impressive, with many big names and up and coming professionals giving panels and workshops. Check out the speaker & panelist list here, if you’ve read a book regarding positive psychology the author or researcher referenced in it is likely presenting. I am certainly outing myself as a massive pos. psych. geek but truly, what a crew.

For those wondering what the heck positive psychology is, it’s the scientific study of what makes life worth living, with a focus on strengths instead of weaknesses, and a focus on building the good in life versus fixing the bad. It’s grown at a rapid pace the past few decades, and practitioners apply the concepts on an individual level, institutionally and in societies. I got my Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology in 2018, and find that it has been a powerful supplement to my coach training, and helps me understand the science behind why coaching is effective.

Pre-Conference Workshops

I’m particularly excited to sign up for two half-day pre-conference workshops: “New Developments in Positive Psychology Coaching” with Suzy Green, Christian Van Nieuwerburgh, Robert Biswas-Diener, and Ilona Boniwell, and “Meaning in Good Times and Bad: Where the Better Living Actually Happens” with Maria Sirois and Michael Steger.

I smiled when I saw these two pre-conference workshops because the presenters are some of my favorite people pushing coaching applications of positive psychology forward, and I deeply admire their work.

I was lucky enough to study with Christian Van Nieuwerburgh in my masters program, he’s affectionately known among my peers as the motorcycling coach. Robert Biswas-Diener has an irreverence in how he approaches teaching this science and I love how he challenges coaches, his book “The Upside of Your Darkside” is incredibly thought provoking. Maria Sirois and Michael Steger both have impressive careers exploring meaning in various capacities. In the depths of the pandemic I loved joining their virtual coach happy hours exploring meaning in the pandemic for us as people and coaches, and for our clients.

Join me there

I’ll be there and am looking forward to reuniting with colleagues from near and far. One of my favorite classmates from my masters program is a coach and positive psychology practitioner in Australia, and she’s flying in to give a presentation! The last time I saw her was at our wedding a few years ago when she flew to Massachusetts from Australia to be there.

Consider signing up and joining us at the conference this summer! Early-bird registration ends April 14th. If you are a fellow coach, come and learn how to integrate positive psychology concepts into your coaching with your clients, and if you are a regular person who is interested in wellbeing, come and learn more about how this can be used in your life. I’d look forward to seeing you!